Why Should You Choose 1to1help For This Service?

18 years of experience, serving 400+ companies

1.7 million employees

Saved 25000 lives, and bettered 125000

million wellness and counselling sessions

250 counsellors, across 55 locations


1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months options

Offers Access to 1to1help’s services and resources to
keep your employees comforted in the times of COVID.
Everyone needs self-care and support.

Let your employees get access to our dedicated
COVID-19 portal,  Self-help Resources, and Webinars.


50-500 Counselling Sessions

In Addition to the resources, choose additional support
for your employees. Pick from 50-500 counselling sessions
connecting your employees to trained counselors.

Let your employees get access to Counselling Sessions
and feel better. Start today.

Client’s Testimonials